1/18/2025 Tracy
I am so glad you are here! YOU ARE IMPORTANT! Todays focus is on keeping a tidy space for you and your family! Do not make the mistake of thinking that my house is always tidy! It is not! Currently we have a multi- generational home. John and I are sharing our home with Taylor, Tylan and Talivia, and just this past week we added our youngest son Zach and his 5 year old Raelynn. This definitely adds the need for an even more organized space. Taylor does her reset every evening before bed and that helps with the kids’ toys.
If you struggle with organizing and taking those first steps of regaining your space back, stay with me! Let me give you a few things to try to get you in a tidy mindset.
Set a timer for 10 minutes: First choose an area that is small but cluttered, take 10 minutes and ONLY focus on that small area. A specific area in your bathroom bothering you?
SORT: Divide items that you use into categories, skin care, make up, body washes and scrubs.
TOSS: this is where it gets harder, do not keep a 1/2 bottle of lotion that you will not use again, LET IT GO! Toss items that are old, dried out, damaged and full of bacteria!
ORGANIZE: This may take a little longer and you may have to come back to it in the next ten minutes. Do not go and buy a bunch of bins until you know what you are and are not keeping! You will also need to measure under you sink and vanity drawers to help you choose bins that will fit and serve the right purpose.
When the timer goes off, walk away and see what you got done in just 10 minutes! Do not go start any other area. Repeat that process every hour and see how quickly you can see progress.
Depression is the number one cause of a messy living space. Working slowly and building up time from 10 minutes to 20 muntes to 40 minutes and then an hour!
You can do this!
Please comment and ask any questions or share ideas that have worked for you in taking back control of your home.
Calm the Chaos,